Purchasing and warranty management


Smart Development Solutions

Purchasing and warranty management

MOTS (modifiable off-the-shelf) solution for ERI (Earth Recycle International), for purchasing and warranty management as their first step into migrating to the future of their processes.

ERI Web Application


The goal of this first iteration of development was to automate and centralize their purchasing operations in one place. Enabling control over inventories, warranties, and approvals for requests that might exceed certain amounts. In addition, ERi wanted to standardize formats and process across the company. Decrease the use of paper and become more eco friendly.


As a result of the MOTS development implemented, the speed in which their process work now are N times faster. Increasing productivity and decreasing need for calls back and forth. They are able to approve multiple purchasing orders in only 2 steps. Besides the speed, the system allows for currency changes, generates reports, and offers product management.

ERI Web Application

Main features

Plus sign
Create and manage purchasing orders, and request approval for items that exceed a defined threshold. Able to perform bulk actions saving loads of time.
Plus sign
Product management features that allow admins and suited personnel to monitor the health and progress of determined items within their portfolio.
Plus sign
Several types of reports to enhance productivity and make informed decisions. Analysis for products, inventory, purchase history, and more.

Technology used to develop this project
