Healthcare Interoperability Services


Smart Development Solutions


Healthcare Interoperability Services

In today’s world of ubiquitous technology and connectivity, the healthcare system still frequently relies on email, fax, and paper to share information. Connecting your imaging center with your customers to send their orders, and receive your reports electronically, or your hospital radiology department to seamless integrate with your EMR, Nuba can assist with your integrations needs.

HL7 offers four different primary standard message types, depending of your special business field you typically use only a subset of those.
  • Patient Administration (ADT) admit, discharge, and transfer
  • Orders (ORMs)
  • Results (ORUs)
  • Charges (DFTs)

Hover over the legend items

  • Radiology Center
  • Nuba HL7 Hub
  • Healthcare Provider
  • Healthcare Clinic
  • Hospital
  • Reports
  • Orders

Connecting your scheduling system with your acquisition stations (modalities e.g. US, MR, CT, etc) not only saves your time staff to focus on your patients, but it also eliminates data entry errors that can be quite costly to your operations.

Hover over the legend items

  • Orders by Phone
  • Nuba DICOM MWL
  • Orders by Fax
  • MWL Query
  • Orders by Email
  • Images
  • Orders by Paper
  • PACS
  • EMR/RIS Appointments
  • Reading Workstation

If you want to learn more about HL7, please check out the videos in our tutorial

View Tutorial
Dysconnectivity in the information flow causes repeated entry of the same data (usually inconsistently) along the process. This hinders productivity as much as the quality of service. Worst case, data inconsistencies may cause the wrong services to be administered.
Eliminate data entry errors. Automatic order processing into RIS/EMR. Automatic report distribution. Reduce staff manual work. Free up staff to provide care for patients.